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Rocky Mountain Signing

(303) 840-9877 

10335 S Progress Way
Parker, CO 80134

Since 1991

Certified DBE / WBE Contractor

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Traffic Message Board Rentals

Portable Solar Powered Traffic Message Boards are the most versatile means of getting your message to the motoring public. Rocky Mountain Signing is one of the top road sign suppliers in Colorado for variable message sign (VMS) rentals. We use Wanco message boards because of their dependability, superior visibility, and wide range of functions. These message boards are used for traffic management and road worker safety during highway work, informing the motorist of approaching hazards and work zones, but are not restricted to traffic control signs. They are also used for sporting events, retail businesses, HOA’s, City and Counties, churches, and utility companies. Do you need a portable traffic message board for your next event? Call today to see how Rocky Mountain Signing can help you with your Wanco arrow board and variable message sign rentals. 

All of Rocky Mountain Signing’s traffic message boards have a display panel of 135” wide x 75” tall. All panels have a message display of three lines with eight characters per line. Messages can be conveniently changed on-site by using the onboard computer or from our office in Parker. The message panel can also be rotated 360 degrees as well as raised increasing visibility to one mile. Each message board is solar-powered with LED lights and auto-dimming providing a long-lasting temporary message display. We always deliver great customer service and are one of the most trusted road sign suppliers in Colorado for message board rentals. 

Contact Us For a Quote


Wanco message boards are a bright, legible, and safe method of communicating with motorists. With one of the largest rental fleets in Colorado, Rocky Mountain Signing can supply all of your VMS rental needs. We can deliver and install the variable message board to your project site, or you can come to our office for pick-up. All of our message boards meet the MUTCD (Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices) and all state, city, and county specifications.  Please contact Rocky Mountain Signing, the top road sign supplier and source for message board rentals,  the next time you need a variable message sign by the day, week, month, or longer.


  Traffic Message Board Rentals

In addition to renting these types of signs and equipment,

we also provide professional installation services to get your signs securely in place.

Please contact our rental department with questions or for a quote. 303-840-9877 x 314

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Rocky Mountain Signing is a traffic control company offering traffic control equipment rentals. This includes attenuator trucks, message boards, concrete barriers, and certified flaggers. We service several areas in Colorado, including Parker, Denver, Aurora. Littleton, Englewood, Lakewood, Highlands Ranch, Castle Rock, Larkspur, Monument, & Colorado Springs. Contact us today for all of your traffic management needs!


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